Wednesday 12 November 2014

Shiva Yoga Mats - Your Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Yoga Mat

When entering a yoga position, your body has a unique opportunity to let go, while staying fully alert and in a high state of consciousness. This is when Yoga is practiced right. The alternative is injury. When you attempt to go into a yoga posture without the right intensity and will, and without the concentration it takes to do it, you will get hurt. If you try and go into a position without the knowledge of the way the body should move, you will hurt yourself. At times, you will feel it right away, by recognizing an intense pain in one or more parts of the body. In other times, you will not even recognize the pain. While you are trying to get into the right form, you might be ignoring the alarm bells your body rings in full volume. This is the most common mistake, and it is done by most of the yoga practitioners in the first years. This is the main reason of back and knee injuries, the type it takes a long time to create and longer to heal.

Now it is best to invest in Best Yoga Mats rather than settling with a gym floor as yoga mats give you protection and comfort, this is especially important for your spine and knees. But if you exercise with yoga and weights (which I am a big fan of) then to be fair a mat is not necessary as you can exercise on a non-slippery surface such as close-weave carpet or wooden floor.

When you are browsing for a Yoga Mats make sure that you look for one that does stretch a little whilst giving you good support. They can range from as thin as a piece of tissue paper virtually to well over an inch thick. Depth is not the real issue here - the support and cushioning is. What you want is to get some relief from the hard floor below. But beware a too spongy mat can be annoying as it does not give you a solid base to practice on. I find the right yoga mat for me is approx a quarter-to half an inch thick as it is the best of both worlds. But if you find that being on your knees a lot is proving uncomfortable for you go for a mat on the thicker side. Shiva Yoga Mats provides detailed information on Yoga Mats, Yoga Cheap Yoga Mats, Patterned Yoga Mats and more. To know more about above discussion @

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