Monday, 21 July 2014

An Overview of How To Choose The Luxury Yoga Mats

At the heart of yoga is the teaching to be mindful of how your body reacts to each movement. This body awareness encourages students to be conscious of the different sensations happening in the body and mind during each move. As you become in tune with your body, you will learn how to make different adjustments to maintain your balance during each posture. So this knowledge will transfer into keeping your body balanced in everyday life.

Every yoga enthusiast these days needs a yoga mat. There's no going around this fact; although it is possible to do yoga outdoors in grass or just on the earth.

In these days, yoga mats aren't made from animal skins and there is a huge variety of mats to choose from. Ranging from different sizes or even shapes, to every possible color and even custom images and prints.

Even the thickness of the mats varies among the different types, like the lightweight mats. Those with a thin mat usually have a relatively cheap one and it'll show in terms of quality and durability as well. Meaning that it'll wear out pretty quick and it won't give much if any support. It'll just keep you from slipping in the different poses.

Being thicker then the lightweight mats, which can be used as Luxury Yoga Mats as well, they'll provide a lot more support and it'll ease the pressure on your wrists and elbows in certain yoga positions. They're also a higher quality mat and they'll therefore last a lot longer than the thinner mats.

A standard yoga exercise mat is about 1/8 inches thick, while the thickest expand up to 1/4 inches. A too thin mat and your knees will get banged up, while a too thick yoga exercise mat can make it tougher for you to feel a powerful connection to the floor – make you more shaky. The first determining factor in choosing a yoga mat is the lineage, or style, of yoga for which you will primarily be using your mat. Because some lineages of yoga entail a sweaty workout-like Ashtanga or Bikram many yogis prefer an ultra sticky mat, or even a cotton yoga rug, to go over their mats, so that they do not slip. Yoga mats usually come in 2 thicknesses but there are other mat thicknesses available.if space is an issue, a thinner mat may be more desirable. If comfort is the priority, a thick mat is a must.

But before actually deciding which yoga mat is perfect for you, you should visit Shiva Yoga Mats which will offer best of yoga mats. Get a one and experience the benefits of Shiva Yoga Mats all by yourself. Check out more on my blog @

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Discussing The Benefits of Yoga By Using the Best Yoga Mats

Yoga is an exercise by which the body and mind become harmonized. By practicing yoga on a regular basis, you enjoy better health levels and also keep stress out of your life. Yoga teaches you various postures that will help strengthen your body and also teaches you meditations techniques by which you can attain a balanced approach to everything in life.

Although yoga is an oriental concept, there are many people in the western civilizations that practice yoga. This is due to its many health benefits. Yoga increases the flexibility of the individual, strengthens muscles and relaxes and calms the yogi. It also centers the thoughts of the individual. Yoga is also a popular way to manage stress in an individual.

Yoga mats are essential to perform all yoga activities. It is the basic requirement for the people who love yoga very much. Nowadays Best Yoga Mats are very much popular because give the best practice at the time of doing yoga exercises. It enables you to do certain yoga practices properly and efficiently.

Benefits Of Using Yoga Mats

Practicing Yoga exercises gives a range of mental benefits; and in fact, this is a really common reason why people start doing it in the first place. Yoga exercises decreases an individual's level of anxiety, depressive disorders, and lethargy; thus allowing him/her to focus on what exactly is spiritual and important: attaining balance and pleasure.

There are confirmed physical benefits of yoga exercise, which include:

·         Reducing Stress and Tension
·         Increasing Blood circulation
·         Removal of toxic wastes
·         Relief from head, neck and shoulder aches
·         Promoting healing
·         Increases Energy levels
·         Increases feelings of well-being.

The material used for the base of the mat should be 100% Linen or Cotton fabric which allows free air circulation to your skin. Linen fabrics are exceptional fabric for healing with their high level of resistance to fungus and bacteria. Natural fabric colors should be preferred than chemically bleached or dyed. Shiva Yoga Mats is made from organic cotton, this mat has shown to improve people's overall well-being on a daily basis.

In case, you are still unconvinced about the benefits of Yoga, why not read some yoga books, for meditation and spirituality. There are even online yoga books and audiotapes, one can listen to while driving or running errands. Once you are convinced of the benefits of practising Yoga, the next step before beginning to practise it is to equip yourself with some yoga accessories, such best yoga mats @